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Your Trusted Tree and Stump Removal Company in MetroWest, MA

Tree Removal Services for MetroWest, MA Property Owners

Devo’s Tree and Stump Removal provides high-quality tree removal services to MetroWest, MA property owners. Our arborists have years of experience preserving the beautiful trees that line your land. We pay attention to the details and guarantee satisfaction. The results are healthy trees that you want, and removed trees that you don’t want on your yard.. Hiring our professionals to carefully remove unwanted trees is the best way to ensure that your property reaches its potential.

Removed Unwanted Stumps from Your Yard

You can cut a tree all the way to the ground, but the stump will stay intact for years, slowly decaying and creating an eyesore and nuisance in your yard. Not only is a stump unsightly, but it also forces you to mow around it every time you cut your grass. Say so long to those concerns by hiring a stump removal company in MetroWest, MA, such as the team at Devo’s Tree and Stump Removal. We make short work of any leftover stumps on your property, using specialized equipment to grind the entire thing as well as any surface roots. In addition to stump removal, we also provide fall and spring cleanup services as well as sanding and deicing. We serve all the cities of MetroWest, including Framingham, Berlin, Hudson, Northborough, and Holliston. Contact us today to request service at your home.

Why Choose Us for Stump Removal

You want to choose a company you can trust when hiring someone to complete stump removal on your property. This is the only way to ensure the project is completed correctly the first time. You can trust our team to provide high-quality service at affordable rates. With the help of our team, you can improve the exterior of your home and remove pesky stumps without breaking the bank. Choose to work with us for all of the following reasons:

We’re Experienced

We have years of experience helping clients enhance their curb appeal by removing unwanted tree stumps. You can count on us to use our expertise to help you.

We Care About the Details

Stumps can be tricky to remove completely, but that doesn’t stop us from being thorough. We care about the result of our work, ensuring each project is completed to the highest standards.

We Guarantee Your Satisfaction

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. We do everything in our power to complete your stump removal to your satisfaction.

We Also Offer the Below Services

Tree Removal
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Stump Grinding
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Contact Us Today

Do you have an unsightly tree stump that you want to remove from your yard? Don’t delay any longer in calling Devo’s Tree and Stump Removal. Our team works quickly to rid your yard of stumps to help enhance your curb appeal. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment for us to visit your yard, and we’ll assess the work to be done.

Our Testimonials

Devo’s Tree and Stump Removal


 Hours of Operation
Monday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: By Appointment

Licensed & Insured Arborist